Monday, June 12, 2006


EiffelStudio improves .NET integration

Raphael Simon has summarized recent improvements to interoperability between EiffelStudio and other .NET languages. In particular, the mapping between Eiffel and .NET properties is now much tighter:
In addition, EiffelStudio's .NET metadata consumer has a popup baloon which shows more information and whose content can be customized using an environment variable.

It's now also possible to inherit from an Eiffel class which itself inherits from a .NET class.

Isn't it ironic that component-oriented programming is easier when the components are written in a language other than Eiffel, even if we're calling them from Eiffel?

Reading "between the lines" of EiffelStudio's new .ecf format (which is replacing .ace), I see that much care is being taken to organise and specify dependencies between libraries.

I think improved Eiffel component-oriented programming is finally on the way...
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